Rooting All of Life in the Good News of JesusRootingAllofLifeintheGoodNewsofJesus
Our mission is to root all of life in the good news of Jesus for his glory and the city’s good. As a church, we root all of life in the good news of Jesus by proclaiming, echoing, and extending the gospel. This leads to missional living—having a faithful presence in the city for its good. For more on how we go about our mission, see below. OurmissionistorootalloflifeinthegoodnewsofJesusforhisgloryandthecity’sgood.Asachurch,werootalloflifeinthegoodnewsofJesusbyproclaiming,echoing,andextendingthegospel.Thisleadstomissionalliving—havingafaithfulpresenceinthecityforitsgood.Formoreonhowwegoaboutourmission,seebelow.
Gospel Proclaimed
The Word of God re-centers our worship on the truth of who God is and what he has done.
Gospel Echoed
Throughout the week, we remind one another of the gospel and help one another apply it to all of life.
Gospel Extended
As we experience the joy of the gospel transforming our lives, our burden grows to share that joy with others.